Saturday, June 3, 2017

From the University to Beijing to Seoul

I'm just posting to be posting. So, nothing really has been happening since Thailand. I've been trying to catch up on so much sleep. Traveling takes the energy out of you. It's like a full time job.  But, I STILL love doing it.

In other news, I did meet up with an old friend. You'd be amazed at the amount of people you come across while traveling and living overseas.  One of my friends from university traveled with her sister to Korea. We ended up meeting with one another and hanging out in Seoul. This isn't our first time being international together.  We did an internship program with our university in Beijing, China. So many memories we made (I have blogs for those-June 2015).  A couple weeks after that weekend with her, I went back to Seoul for another day of tourism.

Well, until the next adventure....

Photos of the Month of May

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